Greetings potential followers, if that is even considered an appropriate "term" to use in the case blogging. I am new at this myself. You may wonder (and so do I) what got me curious about the world of blogging as it were. Firstly, I enjoy writing so that made the prospect that much more desirable and then secondly, I was so bold as to commit to it on a piece of paper, on New Year's Eve as one of my many resolutions..., which now makes its home a bottle at a friends house to keep until December 31, 2011.
Hmmm. That is what started it and then sparked an idea or topic on interest which might, in turn, keep me on board with my other resolutions. It could help you, too! Come December 31, 2011, you could be thanking this innocent new blogger for your success? Probably can only hope to have such an affect on people. Considering it is January, the beginning of New Year's Resolutions, and it is when people are most motivated to actually pursue these goals that they give themselves this one infamous night of the year...considering this it seems only right to be hopeful and positive despite my ordinarily sarcastic and cynical nature.
Also, it is the time of year when every gym is packed with new members with new personal weight loss or physical fitness goals. It is my least favorite time at the gym. I assure you it was pretty empty the entire week between Christmas and New Year's... Alas, I almost fall into the category myself this year. Another NYR (New Year's Resolution(s)) of mine is to actually master the "art" of running, which I think I was programmed at birth to hate, so this is an excellent time to overcome that, um, feeling.
More on the running later along with other NYR. What about you? Any NYR you are working on? Improvements in your lives or the lives of your loved ones, friends?
So many thoughts so early in the morning.